Residential LPG and Diesel (non Workplaces)
- Certification for Residential Sites did not transfer over to HSWA (by the nature of the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substance) Regulations 2017 which relates to workplaces not homes - They still require certification but there is a change in the volumes required to be certified for residences and the length for which certificates can be issued. It is issued under the HSNO Act 1996 and by Clause 28 of The Hazardous Property Controls Notice 2017.
- RESIDENTIAL LPG certification has changed but remains under HSNO and the control of the EPA
- A RESIDENCE (house/flat) with LPG
- less than 300kg are no longer certified by a Compliance certifier but issued a compliance plate by the LPG supplier ,
- over 300kg are still issued by a compliance certifier under the HSNO Act and filed with the EPA.
- RESIDENTIAL DIESEL Burner certification has changed but remains under HSNO and the control of the EPA.
- A RESIDENCE (house/flat) with a D Tank to burner
- less than 10,000 litre tank - no compliance required
- more than 10,000 litre maximum capacity tank - as before issued by a compliance certifier under the HSNO Act and filed with the EPA.
Hazardous Substance Location Residential
This certificate has been issued pursuant to section 82(a) of the HSNO Act 1996
It certifies that the relevant requirements have been met for the location and substance as required by clause 28 of the Hazardous Property Controls Notice 2017. This certifies that the relevant requirements have been met for the locations, substances and the maximum quantities as specified below.
Certificate duration of 3 years is issued inline with clause 16 (a) (ii) of the Hazardous Substances (Hazardous Property Controls) Notice 2017.
As a non-Workplace this certificate has been forwarded to the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority) in accordance with Clause 16(b) of the Hazardous Substances (Hazardous Property Controls) Notice 2017